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PHONE: 803.799.7900
In some cases, an insurance company may deny coverage in what is called “bad faith.” Bad faith is when the insurance company denies that coverage without a reasonable basis for the denial. If an insurance company denies a claim due to a mistake or error, it is not considered bad faith if there is a reasonable basis for having made the mistake. It is your insurance company’s legal obligation to act in good faith. Laws protecting individuals against bad faith insurance practices are found in the state insurance codes and regulation. If you have been unfairly denied a claim by your insurance company, a Columbia, SC insurance bad faith attorney can help. We can help you recover damages.
While the type of bad faith cases varies from state to state, the main point that needs to be made in a bad faith case is that the claim investigation was careless. A careless investigation makes a bad faith claim easier to prove than a thoroughly investigated case where something could have been more of an innocent mistake by those investigating the claim.
Contact Bernstein and Bernstein for experienced representation if a friend or loved one has suffered personal injury as a result of a medical professional’s error. A knowledgeable attorney can help you recover the compensation you are due and answer any questions you may have. We are here to help you.
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