PHONE: 803.799.7900
PHONE: 803.799.7900
November 23, 2015
If you have been charged with drug possession or other crime which can carry a heavy sentence in court, it is extremely important to seek out an experienced criminal defense attorney. A good defense lawyer is essential to winning your case, or at least reducing the sentence that is given if you are convicted of the crime with which you have been charged. Criminal defense attorneys know what the current laws are in South Carolina, even if they have recently changed, so that they can determine what the best course of action is for your case. They also know the exceptions that exist within in the law, as well as what facts will help or hurt your case so that you have the best possibility of a “not guilty” verdict.
Your defense team will best be able to argue your case if it is fully aware of all circumstances surrounding the crime with which you have been charged. No matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable certain facts might be, it is important that your attorney is aware of them. That way he or she can determine what the prosecution might bring up in court and have a ready answer for any argument the prosecution poses. Your attorney does not want to be surprised in court. Not only does it make him or her look bad, but more importantly, it hurts your case and decreases your chances of winning your case. Honesty about the facts with your defense attorney is the first step towards a verdict in your favor.
Moving through the court process in South Carolina often takes a lot of time. Be patient during the process and use it to your advantage. If you have lost your license or have had other sanctions applied to your with the criminal charge, your defense lawyer can often get these lifted until trial. The time that you have before going to court also gives you the ability to review the facts that you have told your lawyer to make sure you have not omitted any important information. In addition, it gives your criminal defense attorney the time to prepare you for your court appearance so that you can tell your side of the case with clarity.
Let us help you find the best criminal defense team in South Carolina. Call us today at 803-799-7900.
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